Friday, August 13, 2010

dear blogger,

it's been long time i didn't update the blog.
now i'm in semester 5.
see? time flew so fast..
today also is 3rd Ramadhan.
alhamdulillah, everything goes well.
today's entry i want to share about something that quite serious for me, which is when thinking about it, could drive me nuts.
it' s about someone that i'm scared most..
i don't know why and how this feeling developed..but it's been long time since i'm in semester 1.
i know, by this time i shouldn't scared anymore whenever i meet her or whatever.
but i can't..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day

dear blogger,
fyi, skrg aku tgh on9 kat kl sentral + waiting for sis sue.
i'm going back to Perak for 1 week leave.
yep! valentine's day. i watched it already. alone?
haha! yep. alone. no company.
ni la org single. sorg2 je la.
member2 ramai yg da blik. kalau ade pon, dorg x turun One Utama.
smlm aku dtg umah kak ita.
thanks to our group tutor.
released we all early.
2.30 p.m kot.
as usual, dri hostel amik bus gi kl sentral.
ramai gak colleague aku naik bus same2.
talking about the movie.
yeah. it's awesome, nice, and thumbs up!
aku suke!!!!
suits me..nak tau pasl cinta.
sweet sgt cite tu.
i wish i could watch the movie with the person that i love.

dear blogger.
dunno la. lately aku rase bahagia.
1st, pasl smooth operator.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

6 Feb 2010

dear blogger,
cam x caye lak hari ni aku blik ke Taiping.
as abg wish. mule2 igt nak gerak tgh malam smlm.
tp ntah cmne, msg2 letih. so, aku and abg tertido la kat hotel tu.
hahaha! luckily dah byar full. abg pas solat and mandi kuar jap jumpe kwn.
aku sorg2. err..seb baik la aku ade beli mags n Farris ade msg2 aku.
hehe! so, at last we all bertolak dri kl kul 7 and smpai btul dpan rumah kul 10.
wa.....rase cam mimpi. aku ade kat Perak sudah.
otw blik Perak, abg lgsg x ngantuk n same goes to me.
mcm2 yg aku n abg borak kan..antarenye cite Cnta dia.
huhu..best2! then berhenti breakfast dekat tapah.
smpai2 umah,aku trus kasi present aku untuk nadia n mak.
yippii!! mak suke ngan tudung aku belikan. suits her.
hari ni rupenye mak long arifin ade wat kenduri.
malasnye nak xpe la. gi je la. bukan selalu.
hehe. ptg habis kenduri aku lepak kat atas. tgk movies.
haha! conquer. pak ngah xde. g mane ntah.
hmm..aku tgk cite talentime. wa........bestnye.
aku nangis. hehe. aku faham sgt2 jalan citenye.
and lagu2 dlm cite tu pon best2!
ptg sket, abg amik aku n kak min.
we all lepak makn kat the gate cafe kat tpg.
not bad. wi-fi laju n makanan sedap2.
huhu! mlm aku lepak umah je. abg dah belikan aku ticket bus.
aku mintak nak blik pgi. bas aku kul 10.15 a.m
pling kurang smpai kl tgh hari.
mlm ni aku msg2 ngan farris. malam smlm mms.
hehe. dpt la 2 pics dia.
msg2 smpai ngantuk. n for the 1st time dia called aku.
sedap gak suara dia.
tp x borak lame.
dia ckp x tau nak borak ape.
padahal, aku mcm2 boleh borak.
xpe la. kesian lak.
dia maxis, aku celcom.

7 Feb 2010

pagi ni bgn agak awl. ye la. tiket bus kul 10.15 a.m
nak siap2 lgi. mak cm berat ati je. ye la. at least boleh la lunch skali.
ayah? ade kat kl. makin busy lak skrg.
hmm..jumaat x sempat jumpe ayah.
aku naik bus starmart. single sit. executive massage coach.
mmg best n selesa gler.
tp, xde massage pon. button ade. tp cam x function je.
hehe. smpai kl kul 2 p.m
aku turun kat pasar seni cuz aku plan nak trus gi umah abg.
so, senang sket amik Putra gi Masjid Jamek.
hehe. as usual, kalau da smpai masjid Jamek, aku akan pusing2 usha itu ini.
hmm..panas terik..seb baik aku ade payung.
kalau x, sunburn la.
hmm..shawls pon cam x, ade duit ni aku plan nak beli novel.
da lame x bce novel. plan2 dlam kepale nak cri novel LURVE n 143 by Pingu Toha.
cam best citenye. aku masuk 2 kedai buku. tp xde gak yg aku nak.
erghhhhh!! mane ade MPH kat Jalan TAR ni.
mmg rezeki aku, time kuar kedai buku, sblah kfc, aku jumpe tukang kasut.
yess!! dpt gak repair wedges kesayangan aku.
last2, aku tmbah tapak, jhit tali kasut n tali beg skali.
syu2. ganas tul!
last2, aku masuk blik kedai buku yg 1st2 skali aku gi.
tgk2 ade 20% less.
pe lgi. aku pon grab la 2 novel skali.
then, aku amik cab gerak ke umah abg.
smpai2, aku tolong belikan pampers, susu n lunch.
pas mkn, mandi pe sume..aku chow la.
huhu! x tido kot aku.
aku amik Putra ke Pasar seni.
dri Pasar Seni, naik bus rapid ke hostel.
dlm bus aku take a nap jap.

8 Feb 2010

waa....bgn lambat! omg!
we all terjaga kul 7.30 a.m and class start at 8 a.m
aku? lgi la. best x kemas..bju x iron.
mandi x lgi. parah2.
pas mandi, aku trus iron tudung, itu je yg sempat n penting.
n pakai bju kurung yg x di iron.
haha! 1st time kot mcm ni.
mane x nye. smlm aku tido x tido je.
stress. keje CHN x siap2. x tau nape. susah nak cri info.
pakai contacts pon dah x bpe btul.
kul 10 aku blik bilik. betulkan contacts cuz rase x selesa.
class hbis awl hari ni. 30 mins early than usual.
ttbe rase lapar. ajak Dibah n Niqa gi kedai kat luar.
last2, we end up dgn makn nasi kukus.
perghhhhh!! sedap giler.
tp pedas gler la smbal belacan tu.
esok plan nak gi picnic ngan zehra, niqa, wan n dibah.
5 of us.

9 Feb 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

tonight going back to Taiping

dear blogger,
now i'm at one of the cc at kl.
can't mention the name.
hehe. just having my lunch.
i ate kfc chicken rice combo.
haha. yummy!
well, today class finish a bit early than usual.
after tidy up all the mess at my room, study table and bed..
and Zohor..i went to kl.
i walked with Dina.
actually, at first i decide to meet my father at Vistana Hotel.
yeah. to reach there, i've to take monorail.
since my father having meeting at, i planned want to go to Low Yat on my way to Visatana Hotel.
luckily i brought my cute polka dots umbrella.
guess what?
heavy rain at KL.
on my way to Low Yat, i saw 1 kakak holding 1 sony paper bag without payung and she got all wet. pity her..i bet she just came from Low Yat.
i approached her and offered her to stay under my umbrella.
i sent her away to the monorail station.
i also get wet actually..
it's been long time i've been to Low Yat.
while walking around there, i heard that brother said..
" pakai payung pon baju basah ke?"
naaahh..i just realized that i'm holding the umbrella and no wonder that person knew.
whatever lah..who cares??
on my way to monorail station, i realized that my shoes almost putus.
haha! omg! i need to bought sandal or what before its getting worst.
alhamdulillah. i did found 1 kiosk that sell variety of flip flop at reasonable price which i can afford it.
well, i've to be a bit choosy lah.
i simply bought this flip flop. kinda comfort and it's pink color.
i need to find cobbler to fix back my wedges.
then, i took monorail went to chow kit to meet my brother there.
i felt so damn hungry. i went to kfc.
the rest is history..
and tonight, i'm going back to hometown.
yeah. as his wish. he needs company.
so, mybe we're going to have dinner together with my father.


dear blogger..
x tau nak ckp cmne..
nape ek?
each time smooth operator ckp something a bit harsh to me,
mesti rase touching gler2??
nape?? yeah. aku admit..aku mmg paranoid.
whatever so la..
tp, aku try byk kali..try to be strong.
take it lightly..bnda2 cmni jgn nak touching2.
bak kate sue, don't be too sensitive. peeps might be not like it.
aku happy td. smooth operator on9 awl.
yeay. bukan pasl dia on9 awl, tp dia on9 time aku tgh blur cmni.
mcm skrg.
esok exm tp x bace pe2 lgi.
assignmnt deadline esok tp siap lgi.
dah la td down ttbe.
errrr...nape ni syu??
dah tu, time tgh chat2, ym probs la.
haisyh. i bet smooth operator da off9.
who knows? dia slalu appear off9.
mcm mane bley kate loser ni.
ye la. aku ckp everything starts with a dream.
but then, dia ckp
everything starts with a dream only for loser.
weyh! u tell me? sape x terase + touching bila org ckp cm2?
i try control feeling aku.
padahal, kalau ikutkan ati, nak je aku sign off ke ape ke
tp konon nye, aku try to hide this kantoi gak
aku ckp, ye la
aku mmg loser.
dia ckp aku bukan loser
tp mat jenin tu loser.
who cares?
aku still terasa!
tp x kan nak marah?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

1 more week to go.

dear blogger,
i'm so happy today..
yeah..cuz incharge tutor ckp yg we all can go back on Thursday next week right after class..
but i already bought the ticket on Friday 11.30 p.m
hahaha! it's ok long as i'm free on Friday, that's gud enuf!
yeah..i did plan something.
i think i want to go to my sister's house at Damansara after class on Thursdy.
so, Friday i can go lepak2, watching movies or what.
hehehe! i can't wait for next week.
i really2 miss my parents.
that day, ayah did called me and asked when am i going back to hometown cuz they want celebrate my birthday.
how lucky am birthday is on my 1 week's break.
and alhamdulillah..i did pass the GU 1st test.
even it only carry 10% marks, but i think it's important though.
somehow, it will affect your final marks.
however, half of the class did pass and others were failed.
i admit, the quest. itself a bit tough.
tomorrow gonna have Community health Nursing test.
but i didn't start to do my revision yet.
y huh?
hahaha! no spirit at all.
c'mon syu!! wake up..
this evening, i did called abg and asked him either this weekend he still here or not. the answer is NO.
he going back tomorrow morning.
i did planned want to go to his house this weekend
but hear that he's not around, i feel like..errr..
i wanna spend my weekend with him. lepak2.
and now, i didn't decide any.
but, still wanna go back tomorrow.

yesterday night, i spent most of the time watching Grey's Anatomy.
best2! well, we ( me, zehra, dibah, wan and niqa ) did plan something.
we wanna go for picnic. hehe.
final decision is we going to have picnic somewhere at shah alam.
not so sure what's the name.
yeah..mybe next wednesday. cuz by thursday most of us already chio.

ok. last but not least, i just discovered
1 new word. it's a greek word.
MELLITUS. i'm sure all of us familiar with Diabetes Mellitus.
fyi, Mellitus means honey sweet.
hahaa! sweet huh?
i like it so much and hope got chance to use this word to my special 1, but i don't have any lor..
hehe! ok. gtg. i think i need to start revise for test tomorrow.
ok. bye!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

dear blogger,
this past few days, so many things happened to me.
yeah..been long time i didn't blogging

a lot of story to tell, to share.
1st of all, i did miss someone.
ok. drop the subject. let's cont my my story.
last friday,aku jd helper untuk registration new intake.
at first, we were told that pakai bju formal je.
bila dah smpai kat registration, kena tukar to uniform.
damn! penat la..dah la x iron bju lgi..urghhh!
mmg hot la at first. tp
bila da pakai uniform, rase proud n happy..dah lame x pakai uniform..
hehe! hmm..mcm2 kerenah la budak2 ni..
mmg enjoy gak la even penat.
ade yg yg last2 minute nak tukar course. seb baik pas dia dgr explanation aku about nursing, then x jd nak tukar.
actually, aku x tau..jwpan aku tu kuar dri mane..
hati yg ikhlas or ayat yg nak menyedapkan hati..
jujur ke x jwpan aku, Allah sje yg tau.

act, aku plan x nak blik mane2 weekend..
but since tenet kat hostel ni cam mengong..aku rase better aku lepak kl ke..
drpd aku stay kat hostel.
aku admit, mmg dah lame aku x lepak kat hostel bila weekend.
ntah la. tiap2 jumaat ptg, ade je hala tuju aku.
serba salah gak kat roomate aku ni..
ye la..asyik kena tggl je.
ala...dulu? aku suffer gak.
dia asyik kuar je..weekday pon..
aku da la lone ranger.
hehe! it's a good therapy for me actually.
aku kuar..x la kusut sgt rasenye.
so, this weekend aku decide blik umah abg even abg xde.
ala..lepak je la. drpd dok hostel, x tau nak watpe.
busan least boleh gak chill tgk tv.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

pissed off

dear blogger,
hari ni mood aku not so ok la.
mood swing? nope! better than that.
ni gara2 malm td la.
i guess bcuz of hujan+angin yg kuat, so wi-fi jd slow.
n ttbe gak ym probs.
x dpt nak chat lame2 ngan smooth operator.
yeah...smlm conversation a bit dull cuz aku on9 through e mail.
no, no funky2 punye tulisan there.
n xde cite nak dikongsi.
dia ckp, all my story become his bedtime story.
and he never get bored.

hari ni, buat pertama kalinye, we all semua blaja malaysian studies.
sounds boring but we have to learn it in order to pass.
it's compulsory.
aku a bit excited la cuz external tutor who will be teaching us for this subject.
basically, malaysian studies ni all about malaysian history.
colonization all that..
but it is in english.

dlm kls td, ttbe dpt called dri ayah.
rupe2nye ayh igt aku kat hospital cuz ayah suruh visit wife pak ngah yusof.
admit kat sdmc.
x tau sebab pe..
alhamdulillah, ptg td dah discharge.

esok aku blik kl rumah abg.
sabtu nak gi melaka.
yeay2! bestnye.
hopefully dpt la enjoy puas2 jln kat melaka this time.